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Project Overview

This is the identity of the Longwood Theatre Program newsletter tri-fold brochure. Originally, it was simply going to be used for the front cover of the brochure on this page, however, it will now be a reoccurring logo for each edition.


The client is also the same client as the “Thank you” theatre postcard I created for another job on this page, so I wanted to remain consistent with the theatre related jobs. Theatre is a very whimsical and flowing existence, so I opted for a script typeface to establish just that. The “it!” is in the same typeface as my headers in the brochure, so to remain consistent again I used the typeface. The color selection remained similar to the postcard and brochure. A yellow is used to represent stage lights and the upbeat personality the theatre program encompasses. The grey is used to tie the front cover in with the inside panels that include grey as well.

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